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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe disorder consisting of a widespread range of symptoms following a traumatic event which exceeds the person's coping skills. Some occupational groups (like fire-fighters, police officers, health and social workers, bank employees and journalists) are more prone to the development of PTSD due to the unique demands of their jobs and an increased likelihood of being exposed to trauma. This article provides an overview of the main symptoms, prevalence rates, risk factors and treatment of PTSD, as well as a discussion of the strategies of prevention and rehabilitation with a concentrated focus on occupational settings.

Definition and key symptoms

PTSD is an emotional and physical change that develops after exposure to a psychologically traumatic event, which is beyond ones usual experiences and has to be taken seriously as a disease of clinical significance[1]. PTSD can occur after a single traumatic event or from prolonged exposure to trauma, such as sexual abuse in childhood[2]. PTSD is one of the most severe psychological disorders and has a strong impact on the life of the affected person because it exceeds one’s possibilities of coping. It lasts longer and occurs less frequently than an acute stress reaction and may also take months or years to occur. Such events can also be overwhelming for employees of emergency services and other employees of special professions, regardless of their rank or job. 

Initially, the clinical picture of PTSD was used to describe the problems of people that suffered from a railway accident but had no obvious evidence of injury – this was called “railway-spine". This term emerged in the midst of the 19th century with Erichsen[1]. Subsequent writers stressed the effect of anxiety and terror as a psychological dimension. As a result, Page (1883) launched the concept of “general nervous shock", which was used as a pretext by the railway companies to disallow any indemnity claims for there were no specific physical damages. During the First World War, an estimated number of 60,000 German soldiers was diagnosed with what is called complex PTSD today and back then was named “shell shock" or “war neurasthenia", “gas neurosis" or “soldiers heart". In later years, the survivors of World War II, the Vietnam war and its consequences contributed to the introduction of the term PTSD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) III in 1980[1].

Within the workplace there are a range of events which can potentially cause PTSD, these include experiencing another person’s death, witnessing physical, emotional or psychological harm that threatens one’s safety or the stability of one’s world (e.g. accidents, medical interventions, physical assaults or military experience). In short, such traumatic events can cause significant psychological trauma.

Nurses, social workers, emergency medical service and psychosocial helpers bear the risk of experiencing attacks by patients, being confronted with the death of people (especially traumatizing is the death of a child) and colleagues and experiencing the suffering of others without being able to help.

Fire-fighters and police officers are prone to being attacked, witnessing the death or suicide of colleagues, having to shoot another person, being injured themselves or experiencing the threat to their own lives.

Engine drivers, bank employees and journalists are particularly confronted with robberies, serious accidents or being assaulted and threatened themselves when reporting from troubled areas.

These traumatic events may be single (Type I Trauma), continuous, or repetitive incidents (Type II Trauma) that render inadequate one's ability to cope with the resulting feelings. More specifically, Type-I-trauma are mostly short-term events and are characterised by acute danger to life, suddenness and surprise; whilst, in contrast, Type-II-trauma are long-term events characterised by a series of different single traumatic events and low predictability of the further course of events. Table 1 gives an overview of the types of trauma and their associated causes[3].

Table 1 Types of trauma and their causes

 Type-I-trauma (single, short-term)Type-II-trauma (repeated, long-term)
Accidental traumaSerious accident, work-related trauma (police, fire service, emergency medical service), short-term catastrophes (blaze, hurricane)Long-term catastrophes (quakes, flood), technical catastrophes (toxic gas)
Interpersonal trauma (man-made)Sexual abuse (rape), criminal or physical violence; civilian experience of violence (bank hold-up)Sexual and physical abuse in childhood; war, torture, hostage-taking, political imprisonment



Clinical picture of PTSD

From a clinical perspective, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) indicates that PTSD may develop following exposure to an extremely threatening or horrific event or series of events[4]. Diagnostic requirements include:

  • Exposure to an event or situation (either short- or long-lasting) of an extremely threatening or horrific nature; and
  • Following the traumatic event or situation, the development of a characteristic syndrome lasting for at least several weeks, consisting of all three core elements:
    1) Re-experiencing the traumatic event in the present, in which the event(s) is not just remembered but is experienced as occurring again in the here and now. 
    2) Deliberate avoidance of reminders likely to produce re-experiencing of the traumatic event(s). 
    3) Persistent perceptions of heightened current threat, for example as indicated by hypervigilance or an enhanced startle reaction to stimuli such as unexpected noises; and
  • The disturbance results in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning[4].

The onset of symptoms follows the trauma with a latency period which may range from a few weeks to six months. In rare cases the symptoms may occur after a longer period than six months when, for example, an anniversary or some other flash point took place (Late-Onset-PTSD). 

The main symptoms of PTSD are either the so-called intrusions which are involuntary recurring and vivid, detailed trauma-memories, or nightmares of the trauma, or having flashbacks, which means experiencing attacks of memories that are characterised by their suddenness and liveliness and accompanied with the feeling of reviving the trauma. These are often triggered by specific stimuli such as trauma-related objects, noises or associated smells. The person tries to avoid those triggers, which in extreme cases, leads to avoiding certain places or people or watching TV shows completely. When confronted with circumstances associated with the stressor, suffering individuals experience involuntary physical reactions, such as: sweating, trembling, breathing difficulties, palpitations, nausea or intense fear[1] [4]. Furthermore, the person affected by PTSD can exhibit signs of increased psychological sensitivity and arousal in having difficulty of falling or staying asleep, an irritability sometimes accompanied by outbursts of anger, difficulty concentrating, an extreme alertness regarding his/her surroundings (e.g. screening the surrounding with respect to potential threats, and the difficulty to calm down after having been frightened).

Other forms of reactions to trauma

Discrimination between PTSD and other forms of psychological reactions to traumatic events is crucial for the selection of adequate treatments. Besides PTSD, other reactions to traumatic events include the following.

Acute stress reaction: This differs from PTSD through manifestation of dissociative symptoms, such as an initial state of "daze" with some narrowing of attention and disorientation, followed by withdrawal from the surrounding situation, or by agitation. The symptoms last from a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 4 weeks, and occur within 4 weeks of the event.

Adjustment disorder: This is most commonly used for events that are not traumatic in the sense of trauma definition (mobbing, divorce, job loss). The symptoms lack the intensity of those of PTSD; instead of that depression and anxiety prevail. Usually, there are no intrusive symptoms and no avoidance behaviour.

Anxiety disorder / Specific phobia: Anxiety disorders are characterised by physical reactions due to the confrontation of memories or a fear-related stimulus. Also, a phobic avoidance of thoughts and situations is a prominent feature of phobias or anxiety disorders. If it is the case that victims of traffic accidents display serious avoidance behaviour (e.g. driving a vehicle) without having a psychologically chronic arousal or intrusive memories, the diagnosis of a specific phobia should be considered.


There are two types of clinical diagnostics instruments[1]:

  • Structured and standardized interviews (e.g. Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale[5] 
  • Methods of self-assessment (e.g. Impact of Event Scale)

Self-assessments are easy and quick to administer and have been shown as sufficiently sensitive and specific regarding the diagnosis of PTSD, and are useful in estimating the severity and symptom frequency.

How common is PTSD?

The spread and incidence of PTSD depends on the frequency of traumatic events. At least some types of trauma (e.g., the risk of experiencing torture or political persecution or being confronted with heavily injured people) vary in their frequency across political regions, countries with civil wars and regions with many natural disasters, as well as occupational groups. With epidemiological data it is, therefore, important to consider their regional origins and prevalence.


Estimates indicate that one-third of the general population is exposed to severe trauma during their lifetime[6]. The most frequent traumas cited in different studies were the death of a loved one, acts of war, serious accidents and witnessing accidents or workplace violence. However, it is important to stress that not every traumatic event provokes the occurrence of PTSD. Studies show that approximately 10 to 20 % of those who experience a severe traumatic event develop PTSD. A prevalence of 3 % to 6 % of PTSD in the general population, found in several studies, corresponds with these figures[1].

Koenen et al. (2017)[7] analysed data from 26 population surveys in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. A total of 71083 adult persons from 24 countries participated in the study. The results show that the cross-national lifetime prevalence of PTSD was 3.9% in the total sample and 5.6% among those who were exposed to trauma. Half of respondents with PTSD reported persistent symptoms. Treatment seeking in high-income countries (53.5%) was about twice as much compared to low-lower middle income (22.8%) and upper-middle income (28.7%) countries7.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented emergency situation leading to psychological concerns and traumatic events as people are exposed to unexpected deaths or threats of death which may lead to a higher prevalence of PTSD[8]. A Dutch study reported that in autumn 2022, 3.7% of adults in the Netherlands suffered from suspected post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In half of these cases, their symptoms were caused by traumatic experiences directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic[9].

In an occupational context the risk of experiencing violence and harassment, is among the most important work-related circumstances which may lead to development of PTSD. According to the EWCS Telephone Survey 2021, 7% of the respondents have reported that they have been subjected to physical violence at work during the last 12 months. On a sectoral level workplace violence is most prevalent in the Public administration, education and health sector (7.4%), Financial and other services (5.2%) and Commerce and hospitality (5.1%)[10]

The prevalence of PTSD in occupational groups at risk are presented below.

Health and social care

In the health and social care sector, workers are particularly exposed to the risk of violent behaviour. When it comes to violence at work, Poster and Ryan[11] discovered that 76 per cent of all nurses working with mentally ill people were seriously attacked at least once by patients in their careers, while Guterman and colleagues[12] discovered the same with one fifth of American and Israeli social workers. 8,5 % of all nurses met the criteria for PTSD in another study[13] .

When the emergency medical service is investigated, 95 percent of German workers reported at least one extreme emotional strain in their careers[14]. One fifth had experienced the death or suicide of a colleague. Of these, 21 to 36 percent fulfilled the criteria for PTSD[3]. A total of 10 % developed PTSD according to a study investigating rescue workers worldwide[15].

Almost every health worker in intensive care had experienced an extreme emotional strain at least once (99 per cent)[16] . Nearly two thirds were confronted with the death of children and 31 per cent with the suicide of a colleague. Of these, 41 per cent had developed PTSD.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a major psychological impact on health care workers. A systematic review studies involving 97,333 health care workers across 21 countries demonstrated high prevalence estimates of PTSD (21.5%) as well as other mental health problems such as moderate depression (21.7%) and anxiety (22.1%)[17]

Public safety

Studies of fire-fighters reveal that: 96 per cent experienced extreme emotional strain and 80 percent had been in danger of their lives; 60 percent had been injured; one fifth had experienced the death or suicide of a colleague, of these 9 percent developed a PTSD[18].  However, studies on the prevalence of PTSD among firefighters yield varying findings, with the prevalence of PTSD in this group ranging from 6.4% to 57%. Predictors of PTSD include demographic factors (e.g. age), job factors (e.g. years of service, numbers of traumatic events, job stress) and social support[19].

The situation for police officers seems similar. An estimated, 100 percent of police officers had been confronted with traumatic stressors, and most of them had been in danger of their lives and had been injured. More than half had to make use of their firearms, with an estimated one fifth had experienced the death of a colleague and one half the suicide of a colleague. Approximately, 5 to 13 percent of all police officers develop PTSD[18]. In special units PTSD rates may even rise to 50%[20].


Other sectors

In other sectors, bank employees are susceptible to experiences of violence. One quarter of bank clerks had experienced a robbery and of these 14% developed a PTSD[21]. Not only bank employees but also employees of postal offices, pharmacies and night open convenience stores are faced with the risk of armed robbery. Exposure to more than one robbery increases the rates of PTSD and proximity to the robber and the presence of a weapon during the robbery increase the likelihood of adverse symptoms among employees[22].

Engine drivers are confronted once or twice during their careers with serious accidents, 2% are impaired in the long-term by posttraumatic stress symptoms. Similar low prevalence findings were also noted by other studies[23] .

Journalists are another high-risk group that have not been focused on a lot. Teegen and Grotwinkel[24] surveyed 61 international journalists and found that 13 per cent had developed PTSD after being confronted with death, violence and perishing or after being assaulted and threatened themselves when reporting from troubled areas. Journalists who have been in war zones have far more post-traumatic stress symptoms compared with those who have not, but refusing dangerous assignments may have adverse career consequences[22]

Other diseases

Data suggest that patients with PTSD often have one or more coexisting psychiatric disorder. Depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorder are two to four times more prevalent in patients with PTSD[25]. Other psychiatric and medical comorbidities that have been reported in studies include borderline personality disorder and cardiovascular disease. Suicidal tendencies, for example, have been found eight times as often in former soldiers with PTSD in comparison to general population[1] [26]. Different authors1  pointed to the fact that those diseases are mostly connected somehow chronologically or with regards to contents to the trauma and are not independent.

Course of disease

Spontaneous remissions have been reported in one third of patients within the first 12 months and in one half of patients after 4 years. Ten years after the traumatic event the symptoms continued to exist in about one third of patients. One half of those who received treatment were symptom-free after 3 years[27] . A delayed onset of PTSD may occur after symptom-free years or even decades (Late-Onset-PTSD). An exacerbation of pathology is possible in the context of critical life events or role changes1 .

Risk factors

Risk factors that influence the development of PTSD, its symptoms, course and remission can be divided into three groups.

Pretraumatic risk factors

Different studies show that traumatisation at a young age, a prior history of psychological problems or trauma, major life stressors (such as, divorce and chronic medical illness), as well as a low level of education or socioeconomic status or unemployment are risk factors at a pretraumatic-level. These provide a certain susceptibility to the development of PTSD after experiencing trauma in the workplace[23] [28] .

Personality traits, such as high neuroticism (characterised by anxiety, moodiness and a tendency to be in a negative emotional state) and lower levels of agreeableness (when the person is perceived as warm and cooperative) and conscientiousness, seem to moderate adjustment processes and contribute to the development of PTSD. Lower levels of efficacy (the ability to perceive goals as reachable and the expectation to successfully influence your environment) and an external locus of control as the contrary of it can also be contributing factors[28] [29] .

When it comes to coping strategies, denial, less use of relationship-focused coping and avoidance styles are associated with PTSD symptoms[30] .

With regard to sociodemographic factors, Koenen et al. found in their study based on the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys in 24 countries, that respondents who were younger, female, not employed, not currently married, less educated, and having a lower household income were more likely to develop PTSD. However, female sex, marital status, and education level were not significantly associated with persistence defined as 12-month PTSD among lifetime cases[7]. However when it comes to gender differences  the findings across studies are inconsistent[28]  and other studies suggest that women exhibit a greater lifetime prevalence of PTSD than men. In studies among US citizens that are transferable to the European population, men are confronted more frequently with traumatic situations than women (61 to 91 per cent vs. 51 – 87 per cent)[23], whereas women find themselves more often in situations with a high traumatizing potential like “Type-II-traumata" and interpersonal traumata (e.g., sexual violence, rape).

These predisposing factors may lower the threshold for the development of the syndrome or to aggravate its course, but they are neither necessary nor sufficient to explain its occurrence. In fact, they tend to have a smaller impact than peri- and posttraumatic factors[28] [30] [31] .

Peritraumatic risk factors

Peritraumatic risk factors are the characteristics of the event. These include: frequency, duration and repetition of the trauma that promote the development of PTSD[23] [28].The frequency of exposure to critical incidents also diminishes an individual’s capacity to cope and promotes PTSD development[32].

An initial reaction to the trauma that is emotionally extreme or the development of an acute stress disorder may contribute to the occurrence of PTSD[33]. The same applies to a state of consciousness called dissociation while trauma is happening; however these are not experienced by all persons. In the dissociative state the person feels emotionally numb or detached from environment or not at all capable of emotional reactions. Normal perception is then impaired, the environment may seem unreal, and the person can feel disconnected from his/her body.

In all occupational groups the exposure to dead bodies or body parts, especially those of children, as well as the death of colleagues are also risk factors[23] [28].

Posttraumatic risk factors

Several factors contribute to the maintenance or exacerbation of PTSD symptoms. Lack of social support or even negative reactions invalidates the support from the organisation can overburden the person and are predictive of PTSD[23] [32].

Also, having difficulties in expressing feelings about the event (disclosure) and a lack of willingness to confront the emotional meaning of the trauma is related to the reporting of PTSD symptoms[29] [34]. The same was found for the denial of need for help[35]. Furthermore, the stress amounting from the difficulties of everyday life and the extent of loss in the aftermath of the event like physical damage or the loss of one’s home or a comrade promote the risk of disease[23].

With respect to emotional processes in the aftermath, a feeling of helplessness due to role ambiguity or bad training, a lack of appreciation from others (including, critical comments), coverage in the media and by the public, as well as a strong identification with the victims themselves and their families were risk factors for the development of PTSD[23] [28] . Also, surviving a traumatic event may lead to a feeling of survivor guilt that increases the likelihood of the occurrence of PTSD[23].

How to handle the risk of PTSD?

This section introduces strategies for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in cases of work-related PTSD. A preventative approach is strongly emphasised in occupational settings. To reduce the risk of PTSD development, the demands imposed on the person have to be decreased and mobilisation of resources maximised. As a first step, traumatic situations in a working context should be avoided as far as this is possible. At a secondary level, the goal is to help the person to master the traumatic situation with the personal and organisational resources available. The last step is to indicate suitable ways of dealing with the disorder when symptoms are present. For the first and second level interventions, the following strategies have been found to be useful with regard to what employers could do and what can be done on an organizational level, as the both of them intertwine.


Concerning negative reactions and violence like verbal aggression at the workplace a zero-tolerance-policy is crucial. It is important that superiors (employers) show a strict attention to negative reactions amongst colleagues when employees talk about distressing incidents, and to even small episodes of violence at the workplace.

Furthermore, superiors are role models with regard to the expression of feelings and handling of emotional strain experiences and should be well trained in personnel management and leadership[36] [35].

Clear work assignments and professional roles (hierarchy and responsibilities) in the organisational structure are important as they offer protection against emotional strain and feelings of helplessness. Job specifications and clear assignments of superiors define the limitations of one’s working role and the responsibilities of it. Thereby, they relieve from false expectations and guilt feelings and forward a feeling of control.

The possibility of supervision as a means of counselling for people engaged in working with people also constitutes a protective factor against emotional distress in general and distress resulting from a specific event. It fosters the handling of problems (problem solution) in a structured way and ensures progress in expertise as well as the dealing with a possibly traumatic event [21].

Before the possible traumatic event

Personnel selection based upon the identification of individual risk factors seems relevant when it comes to the assignment of tasks with the potential to be highly-traumatising incidents. Persons with pretraumatic risk factors should be carefully screened and rarely allocated to such operations[1] [23] [28]. Up until now, such allocation has proven difficult, because the critical amount or extent of risk factors that promote PTSD development are currently not clear and seemingly impossible to detect. More importantly, there is an important question of how ethical such an approach would be.

Medical screenings and fitness evaluations are relevant for occupational groups like police officers, fire-fighters and emergency medical services as they appear to deteriorate physically as years of service increase[37]. This may lead to deteriorating job performance, due to which the person is exposed to more high-risk situations.

A key prevention approach relies on planning and training to support workers in coping with possible traumatising events[1]. Some measures include:

  • the cognitive preparation of distressing operations and situations
  • the simulation of dangerous situations and emergencies
  • the automation of procedures
  • training courses on stress management
  • training in the cognitive-behavioural skills of problem solving approaches
  • crisis decision making[28]
  • training in basic communication skills when taking care of victims[23] 
  • the provision of operational guidelines[28] 


During the possible traumatic event

Large-scale emergency situations mostly require an On Scene Support Service of qualified persons and psychologists[38] . It is important to highlight the importance of exchange concerning traumatising experiences with colleagues, particularly when it comes to male-dominated occupations where members are less willing to open up to out-group members or to accept help at all. High group cohesion is predictive of good coping[1] [23] [28] [34]

After the possible traumatic event

Psychological debriefing is a standardised method consisting of different stages that contain the report about facts on the course of the traumatic event, the report about the person’s most important thoughts, feelings and reactions including the “hot spot" of the trauma, the education about traumatic stress responses, symptoms and coping strategies. The most common form of debriefing is the “Critical Incident Stress Debriefing" (CISD), which was developed for fire-fighters and emergency medical service teams and is a part of “Critical Incident Stress Management" (CISM). The debriefing is conducted in groups of 4-30 participants promptly following the traumatic event and usually takes 2 to 3 hours[1].

Different studies show conflicting findings regarding the standardised approach of debriefings, the early point of the intervention, the focus on symptoms and peer pressure in the group settings during such discussions[39] . Some studies even found an exacerbation of PTSD symptoms after debriefing[40] [41] and overall, it has been reported that it is unlikely that there are any benefits from routine debriefing in preventing the development of PTSD[42]. Therefore, debriefing interventions should not be delivered on a routine basis and that if a traumatic incident occurs in the workplace, employees should be offered psychological first aid, emotional support and ongoing monitoring42. If debriefings are offered, these should[1]:

  • focus on the message that the reaction of the person is a normal reaction to extreme circumstances;
  • be conducted solely voluntarily;
  • ideally not conducted when persons show high pretraumatic strain and risk factors as well as dissociative symptoms;
  • should not be conducted with type-II-trauma; and
  • be conducted by persons with established knowledge of psychotraumatology

Psychoeducation that contains information about traumatic stress responses, PTSD and Acute Stress disorder, grieving processes and efficient treatment possibilities should be provided to employees[43].

Screenings of developing symptoms seem reasonable when the first strains of the traumatic event have diminished. Mild symptoms in the first four weeks require just “watchful waiting" and a follow-up meeting within a month[43].

Short breaks for highly strained persons with single symptoms after a traumatic event are an appropriate measure to reduce distress and to keep away from emerging emotional demands[1]. Prevention strategies should always be embedded in a master plan of follow-up treatment. The possibility of mid-term and long-term follow-up care is crucial.

Overall, the evidence suggests that especially brief, trauma focused, cognitive behavioural interventions can reduce symptom severity if the intervention targets those with early symptoms. Non-targeted interventions (including psychoeducation, psychological debriefing, individual and group counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based programmes, and collaborative care based approaches) are largely ineffective[2].


The following paragraph gives a short summary of current treatment possibilities of PTSD which should be offered by employers as an external help.

Elements of therapy comprise the stabilisation and regulation of affect, increased exposure of trauma and integration as well as re-orientation. In particular, the part of exposition appears as relevant for the improvement of symptoms. Trauma-focused methods can be classified into exposure-focused therapies and cognition-focused ones, with the latter trying to change patterns of thoughts and attitudes gained due to trauma[1]. The most efficient of them concerning alleviation of symptoms are shortly described[1]:

In Exposure-focused therapy therapists help their patients to confront their traumatic memories through recounting of the traumatic experience, and repeated exposure to trauma related situations that were being avoided or evoked fear but are now safe[2]

Cognitive processing therapy aims to detect and reduce avoidance behaviour like rumination, suppression of thoughts, selective attention, behaviour to avoid anxiety and the numbing of emotions[44].

The purpose of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is to integrate the fragmented memories of the trauma by focusing the patient on an external bilateral stimulus (tactile, acoustic) while at the same time they reprocess the trauma and establish new associations[45].

The pharmacotherapy of PTSD is merely a supplement to psychotherapy and indicated only when severe symptoms of hyperarousal, panic attacks and depression are present. Tranquilizers should be prescribed only on rare occasions.


Post-treatment and rehabilitative measures mainly include the family care in the aftermath of a traumatic event by providing information, advice and further help[1] [28]; postdeployment strategies that facilitate a gradual reintegration into job and offers for talk by experienced colleagues[23].

The appreciation of the achieved work by peer-group members and relatives is a main component in coping with traumatic events[1] [23].

Health surveillance by annual medical examinations and monitoring of symptoms are also part of rehabilitative care. Stress management training can be implemented to foster distancing techniques and coping strategies. It helps people in managing their anxiety and stress early enough before it gets out of control by providing coping skills as muscle relaxation and deep breathing[1]. On an organisational level, the development of quality standards for psychosocial measures that are provided and the networking of treatment services like the collaboration of crisis intervention with long-term treatments seem necessary to ensure the establishment of an effective health care concerning PTSD.

Summary and conclusions

Stress responses to emotional strain are a normal reaction to extreme traumatic events that exceed the person’s coping skills and resources, which have to be restored by appropriate measures of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Particularly in occupational groups at risk, prevention strategies are an important measure with regard to the prevention of the development of PTSD. These strategies affect the areas of screening for risk factors and personnel selection, preparation of tasks, psychological debriefings and characteristics of corporate culture as well as social support and appreciation.


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Further reading

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Managing psychosocial risks in European micro and small enterprises: Qualitative evidence from the Third European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER 2019). Report, 2022. Available at: 

EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Workplace violence and Harassment: European Picture. Report, 2011. Available at:

EU-OSHA - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Facts 24: Violence at work, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2002. Available at:

ILO. Safe and healthy working environments free from violence and harassment, 2020. Available at:

ILO. Violence and harassment at work: a practical guide for employers. Available at: 

Select theme


Thomas Winski

Anne Gehrke

Juliet Hassard

Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom.

Karla Van den Broek

Prevent, Belgium