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ConsultancyThe success of managing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) depends on an effective and efficient process of becoming aware of the potential for improvement, problem definition, diagnosis, designing possible improvements, decision making and…
IntroductionThe position, role and aim of the protective and preventive services (article 7 of the Framework directive (89/391/EEC[1] within the legal OSH-system will be the focus point of this article.
Article 13 of the EU Treaty gives the EU the…
IntroductionOSH research combines a range of approaches. The public health and safety analysis approach involves epidemiology, toxicology, microbiology, health education etc. There are also physical, chemical, technical, economic and organisational…
IntroductionMany hazards on the job are obvious, like sharp objects, slippery floors, and hot liquids. Other hazards, such as repetitive movements and chemicals, may be hidden. Sometimes it is hard to tell if pain in your arms, hands, or back was caused…