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Definition of work/job designWork/job design is used to assess how tasks or the entire job is organised within the work environment, and then ensure these are well-matched to the attributes of the employee. While both terms, job design and work(place)…
IntroductionTelework can be defined as the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) — such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers — for the purpose of working outside the employer’s premises. This article focuses on regular…
IntroductionMost employees will face some type of organizational restructuring process during their working careers. Research shows that restructuring can have a negative impact on employees’ health and wellbeing, both for those who remain working in the…
IntroductionRemote work has been primarily enabled by advances in digital development that narrowed down distance allowing workers to communicate and perform tasks from nearly anywhere. Several decades ago, working from home looked quite different. The…
IntroductionThis article gives definitions of telework, presents facts about the prevalence of telework in Europe, and addresses the relationships that have been reported to exist between telework and productivity and well-being. Special attention is…
IntroductionWorking time concerns the hours of the day and the days of the week that work takes place. Most people have standard working hours between 0800 and 1800 on weekdays. But work also takes place at non-standard hours in the evening, at night and…