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IntroductionTraditionally, the focus of occupational safety and health has been on physical and chemical hazards in the workplace. Many of these are the subject of individual EU OSH Directives (as provided for under the Framework Directive 89/391/EEC[1…
IntroductionPsychological detachment, i.e. the need to detach from work, when not at work, is becoming more vital, due to the increasing technological advances that make it easier to stay connected to the workplace, through e.g., e-mail, ‘smart’ phones…
IntroductionDigitalisation stands as one of the primary transformations currently unfolding worldwide. Numerous aspects of individual and social life, as well as the world of work, have been impacted by the advent of new technologies and their…
IntroductionDiscrimination involves less favourable treatment of one person than another. This may be due, for example, to the other person's age, sex, religion or disability; and may involve more than one characteristic, which may, in turn, lead to…
IntroductionThis article discusses how domestic violence can spill over into the workplace and what practical steps can be taken in the workplace. While domestic violence can affect the workplace, only fairly recently has it been recognised as an issue…
IntroductionIn the last thirty years, the working world has undergone major economic and technological developments. Faced with the challenges of a globalised economy, in which financial markets are increasingly actively involved, firms have adapted to…
IntroductionMany working positions require workers to display certain emotional reactions that are expected by clients, colleagues or supervisors, but these required reactions sometimes or often contradict the worker's own actual feelings. Emotional…
IntroductionThere has been a recent growth of practitioner activity and scientific research examining interventions to manage and prevent work-related stress and psychosocial risks at work. The evaluation of such programmes and strategies is of central…
IntroductionHarassment at work occurs when someone is offended, humiliated, socially excluded, emotionally assaulted or his/her work is negatively affected repeatedly, regularly and over a period of time. Harassment is an escalating process during the…
IntroductionThis article will begin by providing definitions of healthy organisations and key conceptual components and principles underpinning this concept. Available good practice models of healthy workplaces will be outlined and discussed, while key…
IntroductionHow people cope lies at the heart of the stress process. Yet despite the progress that has been made debate and, at times, controversy still accompanies how coping strategies are measured and the methods used to explore the coping process.…