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ResearchBAuA’s research concentrates on a strategy-based programme research and systematic activities for the predictive scientific analysis of relevant trends and developments within the framework of OSH (“forecast of emerging risks"). The Research…
BackgroundThe Institute was established in 1950 by the act of the Polish Parliament of 4 April 1950. Being the leading Polish institution in the field of occupational safety & health (OSH), CIOP-PIB was granted the status of a national research…
MissionNRCWE’s mission is to carry out research, communicate research-based knowledge and provide training and education that enables the development of a safe and healthy working environment in Denmark. VisionNRCWE’s vision is to produce and communicate…
IntroductionThe European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is a decentralised agency of the European Union, set up in 1996 by Council Regulation (EC) No 2062/94 of 18 July 1994[1][2] with the task of collecting, analysing and disseminating…
IntroductionOver the past few years, issues surrounding working conditions and occupational health and safety (OHS) have become one of the main priorities of trade union action. The Commission had multiplied the number of directives and incentives on…
Scope of WorkHSL employs over 400 people including scientists, engineers, psychologists, social scientists, health professionals and technical specialists. The staff has a long track record of effective operation throughout the UK and beyond. HSL's…
MissionThe IFA supports the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions and their organisations particularly in solving scientific and technical problems relating to safety and health protection at work; the IFA does so by means of: research,…
OperationThe activity of the INSST is supported by the General Budget of the State. Its technical and human resources allow the institute to develop the necessary tasks to improve working conditions in Spain. These fundamental tasks are as follows:…
OperationThe safeguard of workers is now more than ever an integrated protection system – as a result also of recent innovative provisions of law-ranging from prevention on the workplace to health and economic benefits, medical treatment, rehabilitation…