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The background to body mappingBody mapping is a technique to gain information about hazards and ill-health effects in work, first developed by community groups and trade unions, and meanwhile adapted by educators in a variety of settings. It is used as a…
IntroductionThis article provides some basic guidance on how to carry out participatory ergonomics in the workplace, in particular for preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It draws on a longer article on participatory ergonomics[1].Informing and…
The background of hazard mappingHazard mapping is a form of worker participation that concerns marking hazards at work stations on a map. Hazard mapping can be applied to various issues, such as work safety, working with chemicals, exposure to noise etc…
IntroductionWorker participation refers to any process in the company that allows workers to exert influence over their work or their working conditions. Worker participation is obligatory in various processes in the company due to European legislation.…
IntroductionAs an essential element of each occupational safety and health management system, workers’ participation influences its effectiveness. Numerous cases and experience confirm that workers participation in OSH management can result in improved…
IntroductionVarious forms of worker participation and involvement are established in Austria. This article covers forms of direct participation like information, consultation and delegation (individual and group level), as well as representative…
IntroductionWorker participation relates to the involvement of workers in management decision-making processes. The means for worker participation are other than information and consultation, as defined by the European Foundation for the Improvement of…
IntroductionBulgaria has about 7.6 million inhabitants and some 2.2 million workers. In 1946 it became a Socialist state with a single-party system. In 1989 the Communist Party allowed multi-party elections, and subsequently Bulgaria transitioned to…
IntroductionCroatia has 4.4 million inhabitants and an employment rate of 48.7%. It joined the EU in 2013. After WW II, Croatia became a founding member and a federal constituent of the socialist state Yugoslavia. In June 1991, Croatia declared…
IntroductionWorker participation means the involvement of workers / employees in decision making processes at a company, sector or national level. This does not include only information and consultation, but also direct or indirect participation in…