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IntroductionEach year, work-related accidents result in long periods of absence from work, and even death. Furthermore, a significant proportion of Europe’s working population suffers from one or more work-related health problems. As a first step towards…
IntroductionIn this report (see enclosed document below)[1] we explore findings from the 3rd European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (which we refer to throughout this document as ESENER 2019 to distinguish it from previous surveys)…
IntroductionWork-related diseases cause great losses to employees, companies and society at large. The work-related attributable fraction (AF) of many diseases may be considerable although it does not always mean that the disease is also recognised as an…
Universe and unit of analysisThe statistical population comprises all establishments that have five or more employees in the 33 participating countries, covering all sectors of economic activity except for private households (NACE T) and extraterritorial…
Universe and unit of analysisThe statistical population comprises all establishments that have ten or more employees in the 31 participating countries, covering all sectors of economic activity except for agriculture, forestry and fishing (NACE A),…
Universe and unit of analysisThe statistical population comprises all establishments that have five or more employees in the 36 participating countries, covering all sectors of economic activity except for private households (NACE T) and extraterritorial…
ESENER SurveyEU-OSHA’s European survey of enterprises on new and emerging risks helps fill an important information gap in the world of health and safety at work. Data on work-related accidents and ill-health are available through workers’ surveys and…
Introduction:The changing world of work has increased the prevalence of psychosocial risks at European workplaces. Psychosocial risks may have severe consequences for workers’ health and well-being. Research has shown that they are related to poorer…
IntroductionThe European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is developing the EU OSH Info System that will address different aspects of occupational safety and health (OSH) in all EU Member States as well as Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland.…
IntroductionThis article describes the different sets of indicators that have been developed to assess the performance of OSH infrastructures, policies and legislation. The use of OSH performance indicators is widespread in business, however, sets of…