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[1] NIJZ, Evidenca začasne/trajne odsotnosti z dela zaradi bolezni, poškodb, nege, spremstva in drugih vzrokov (IVZ 3)

[2] Zbirka podatkov iz Evidence začasne odsotnosti z dela zaradi bolezni, poškodb, nege in drugih vzrokov IVZ in NIJZ

Further reading

American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders DSM-III-R. APA, Washington, DC, 1987.

American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV. APA. Washington, DC. 1994

World Health Organisation: International Classification of Diseases, 10th Ed. WHO, Geneva, 1992.

Bonde JP. Psychosocial factors at work and risk of depression: a systematic review of the epidemiological evidence. OccupEnviron Med. 2008;65(7):438-445.

Biringer E, Rongve A, Lund A. A review of modern antidepressants’ effects on neurocognitive function. CurrPsychiatry Rev. 2009;5:1-11. Pridobljeno 13. september 2014.

Buist-Bouwman MA, Ormel J, De Graaf R, etal; ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000 investigators. Mediators of the association between depression and role functioning. ActaPsychiatrScand. 2008;118:451-458

Dernovšek MZ, Tavčar R ( eds). Prepoznajmo in premagajmo depresijo Priročnik za osebe z depresijo in njihove svojce. Ljubljana, IVZ, 2005.

European Depression Association (EDA). IDEA: Impact of Depression at Work in Europe Audit—FinalReport. October 2012. Pridobljeno 15. september 2013.

Kocmur M. Klasifikacija in prepoznavanje depresij. Pridobljeno 2. julij 2015 iz

Ferrari AJ, Charlson FJ, Norman RE, etal. The epidemiological modelling of major depressive disorder: application for the global burden of disease study 2010. PloS One.2013;8(7):e69637.

Health Policy Bulletin of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. EuroObserver. Autumn 2009;11(3):1-4. Pridobljeno 13. avgust 2015.

Hees HL, Koeter MW, Schene AH. Longitudinal relationship between depressive symptoms and work outcomes in clinically treated patients with long-term sickness absence related to major depressive disorder. J AffectDisord. 2013;148(2-3):272-277.

National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Depression: The Treatment and Management of Depression in Adults (Updated Edition). National Clinical Practice Guideline 90. London, England: The British Psychological Society and The Royal College of Psychiatrists; 2010. Pridobljeno 15. september 2014.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities About Mental Health and Work. Pridobljeno 14. september 2014.

Regier DA, Hirschfeld RM, Goodwin FK, Burke JD, Jr, Lazar JB, Judd LL. The NIMH Depression Awareness, Recognition, and Treatment Program: Structure, aims, and scientific basis. Am J Psychiatry, 1988;145:1351–7.

Rugelj J. Pot samouresničevanja. Zdravljenje in urejanje zasvojencev in drugih ljudi v stiski. Priročnik za zdravo in ustvarjalno življenje. Ljubljana, 2000.

Tyrer P, Steinberg D. ModelsforMentalDisorder. John Wileyand Sons, , Chichester, England, 1993.

World Health Organisation (WHO). The Global Burden of Disease—2004 Update.

World Health Organisation (WHO). Depression factsheet. October 2012.

World Health Organisation (WHO) Europe. Depression in Europe. October 10, 2012. noncommunicable-diseases/mental-health/news/news/2012/10/depression-in-europe.

World Health Organisation (WHO) DEPRESSION -A Global Public Health Concern.

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Dusan Nolimal