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National strategies are vital policy instruments to enhance the effectiveness of an OSH system by defining the key priorities and actions for improving workers’ health and safety.

The Commission called on the Member States to update and draw up their national OSH strategies in line with the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027 - in cooperation with social partners - to ensure that the new measures are applied on the ground.

In Greece, all issues concerning OSH at national level are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, with the exception of the workplace OSH inspections, a responsibility of the OSH Division of the Independent Authority “Labour Inspectorate” (ex. S.EP.E.). The Directorate for Safety and Health at Work (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, General Directorate of Labour Relations, Safety and Health at Work and Integration into Work), which is responsible for the OSH legislation, strategy, organisation, information, education, training and research issues and the OSH Division of the Independent Authority “ Labour Inspectorate”, which is the inspection and the enforcement authority for the implementation of the OSH legislation, are the principal competent state authorities.

More information can be found in the relevant OSHwiki articles on national OSH systems.

Basic Information on the national OSH strategy

Current strategy in Greek:

Εθνική Στρατηγική για την Υγεία και Ασφάλεια στην Εργασία 2022-2027[1]

(National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2022 -2027)

Former OSH strategies:

Εθνική Στρατηγική για την Υγεία και Ασφάλεια στην Εργασία 2016 – 2021 (National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2016 – 2020)[2]

Εθνική Στρατηγική για την Ασφάλεια και Υγεία στην Εργασία 2010 – 2013 (National Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2010 – 2013)

Background and the perceived problem

The new National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2022-2027 is built on the basis of the new European Union Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027, which aims to update protection standards for workers and address both traditional and new work-related risks due to rapid technological and social changes. It considered the views of the social partners, the evaluations of previous national strategies, the experience of implementing the institutional and legislative framework on health and safety at work and, in any case, national needs and priorities.

The new National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2022-2027 focuses on the continuous upgrading of working conditions, in line with international and European standards, and aims to respond to the new interrelated challenges of the world of work, such as changes in work patterns and work organisation, in particular due to the digital transformation of work and the adoption of new technologies (teleworking, e-platforms, robotics and artificial intelligence applications, ‘smart’ personal protective equipment), the workforce demographic ageing, the sustainable ecological development, but also improving preparedness for existing or future health and/or other types of crises.

With a view to further developing and completing the ‘National System for Health and Safety at Work’, the new National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2022-2027 (E.S.Y.A.E.) seeks to address the above challenges effectively by integrating relevant strategic objectives and operational actions into a coherent policy framework.

The vision for the National Strategy is: “Healthy and safe workplaces for all”

Main characteristics and objectives of the OSH strategy (activity plan)

The primary objective and main aim of the Greek State and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs  is the high level of protection of workers’ health and safety, with the deep conviction that ensuring a healthy and safe working environment is the cornerstone of workers’ well-being in parallel to the businesses’ increased productivity and prosperity, and at a more general level, for the sustainable economic development in the country.

The 2022-2027 National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work is the roadmap and the framework for upgrading occupational safety and health issues in Greece. With a vision of creating healthy and safe workplaces for all, the final planning in the field of OSH for the period 2022-2027 is developed into three strategic objectives, which are specified in six priority axes.


Details of the strategy and activity plan (actions)

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: Develop a functioning national governance system for health and safety at work based on national needs and European guidelines.

Target specification through priority axes and corresponding indicative actions for the period 2022-2023 (the 1st year of the National OSH Strategy implementation):

1.1 Executive coordination of public policies on OSH issues.

  • 1.1.1 Synergy of health and safety at work policies with other public policy areas – establishing efficient cooperating networks.
  • 1.1.2 Study on the establishment of an ‘Occupational Risk Insurance Institution’ and other preparatory actions.
  • 1.1.3 Developing permanent synergies between the fields of health and safety at work and public health.

1.2 Full compliance in OSH legislation of companies and institutions in the private and public sector.

  • 1.2.1 “IRIDANOS”, an Integrated Information System (IMS) on health and safety at work issues.
  • 1.2.2 Reorganisation of on-site inspections, following the procurement of new technological equipment and the use of standardised indications and automated registration of the inspection procedures
  • 1.2.3 Elaboration of a medium to long-term plan for mainstreaming health and safety at work in the public sector

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: Modernising and improving the legislative framework on Health and Safety at Work and the risk prevention measures with a focus on new challenges in the world of work.

Target specification through priority axes and corresponding indicative actions for the period 2022-2023 (the 1st year of the National OSH Strategy implementation):

2.1 Simplification and improvement of the legislative framework for OSH.

  • 2.1.1 Amendment of the Code of Health and Safety at Work (K.N.Y.A.E., ν.3850/2010)
  • 2.1.2 Amendment of Presidential Decree 95/99 on protection and prevention services.
  • 2.1.3 Amendment of the Joint Ministerial Decision 172058/2016 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 354), SEVESO III Directive, on protection against major accidents.
  • 2.1.4 Harmonisation of the Greek legislation with the provisions of Directive (EU) 2022/431 (amending the Directive 2004/37/EC) on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work.

2.2 Promotion of scientific progress and research – new and emerging risks.

  • 2.2.1 Study on occupational diseases in Greece - registration and identification.
  • 2.2.2 Pilot survey to establish more specific rules for heat stress.
  • 2.2.3 Research on hazardous physical agents (Optical radiation: laser devices, electric welding, blue light from screens, electromagnetic radiation, ionising radiation, radon).
  • 2.2.4 Adoption of more specific health and safety rules for teleworking.
  • 2.2.5 Publication of practical guides to prevent occupational risks in telework.
  • 2.2.6 Standardisation of workers’ medical records (individual employee health card).
  • 2.2.7 Determination of medical examinations for the medical supervision of underage employees to issue a medical health certificate.
  • 2.2.8 Pilot survey on musculoskeletal disorders (announcement of results, training day).
  • 2.2.9 Maintaining a database for the use of carcinogenic substances in production activities.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: Promote a culture of risk prevention at work involving all stakeholders in the workplace

Target specification through priority axes and corresponding indicative actions for the period 2022-2023 (the 1st year of the National OSH Strategy implementation):

3.1 OSH Training and promotion of a culture of prevention.

  • 3.1.1 Reform and modernisation of the training framework for employees, employers and university graduates regarding OSH issues
  • 3.1.2 Information and awareness-raising actions in the context of Greece’s participation in the pan-European EU-OSHA “Healthy Workplaces” campaigns: (a) 2020-2022 on the prevention and management of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and (b) 2023-2025 on health and safety at work in the digital era (digitalisation).
  • 3.1.3 Carrying out an information campaign and a workplace inspections campaign on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, as part of the corresponding European Campaign for 2021¬2022, supported both by EU-OSHA and SLIC.
  • 3.1.4 Information management actions and provision of relevant services to all stakeholders, with a view to networking and developing cooperation on OSH with all involved stakeholders.
  • 3.1.5 Actions under EU-OSHA’s ‘OiRA Programme and Sectorial Digital OiRA Tools’ project (guidance and technical support to SME-MSE on OSH).
  • 3.1.6 Actions in the framework of EU-OSHA’s project “Programme for the Promotion of Basic Principles of Health and Safety at Work for Medium, Small Enterprises and Micro Enterprises” in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network.
  • 3.1.7 Actions in the framework of the implementation of the umbrella project “Programme for mainstreaming OSH principles into all levels of education and vocational training/apprenticeship”, where are included the project “Napo…with a smile - Promotion of information and training material on OSH’  – information, awareness raising and training of pupils, students and teachers from schools of the primary and secondary education level, and the project “OSHVET-Integration of OSH principles into vocational education and training/apprenticeship’ – information and awareness raising of students/young people and educational staff/trainees from vocational schools, vocational training centres and from technical schools and departments of the tertiary education.

3.2 Networking, cooperation and social dialogue.

  • 3.2.1 Development of existing and new partnerships on safety and health at work through partnership agreements with various OSH stakeholders.
  • 3.2.2 Activation of the cooperation agreement with the inter-municipal organisation “Network of Healthy Cities and Health Promotion”.
  • 3.2.3 Cooperation with the Hellenic Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (EL.IN.Y.A.E.) –the social partners’ top OSH institute- according to Article 128 of the Law 4808/2021 (technical support, preparation for studies, information measures for education)
  • 3.2.4 Strengthening the social dialogue through functional upgrading of the national Council for the Health and Safety of the Workers (S.Y.A.E), by setting up ad-hoc groups and small tripartite working groups.

Actors and stakeholders

The ‘National System for Health and Safety at Work’, i.e. the infrastructure which is the basic framework for the implementation of the national OSH policy in Greece, consists of:

(a) the national -general and specific- legislation, as well as regulatory acts or other legal instruments, relating to the employer’s obligations to take measures to prevent and protect the health and safety of workers;

(b) the competent department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, namely the Directorate for Health and Safety at Work, under the General Directorate for Labour Relations, Health and Safety at Work and Integration into Work, as the ultimate administrative entity for coordinating national policy and disseminating information on OSH;

(c) the competent inspection authority (Independent Authority ‘Labour Inspectorate’ – OSH Division) to check the implementation of the relevant legislation, in conjunction with the institutionally laid down procedures for inspecting workplaces, recording incidents at the workplace, providing advisory guidelines/indications and imposing penalties;

(d) other institutions and competent public policy authorities and structures interacting with occupational safety and health issues, such as the National Health System (E.S.Y.), including special organisational structures of occupational medicine, Ministries of Development, Energy, Environment, Shipping, Education, etc.;

(e) the national tripartite advisory body (Council for the Health and Safety of the Workers, S.Y.A.E.) for the development of social dialogue and consultation on health and safety at work;

(f) institutions, policies and tools to provide prevention services (safety technicians, occupational physicians, written occupational risk assessment study, etc.), training and information for employers and those involved in OSH issues, employee participation and support for small and micro-enterprises;

(g) research activity carried out by scientific, research and educational bodies in Greece, by the competent  OSH Directorate of the Ministry of  Labour and Social Affairs and by the Hellenic Institute of Occupational  Health and Safety (EL.IN.Y.A.E.);

(h) statistics (by the Independent Authority “Labour Inspectorate” and the Unified Social Security Fund “e-EFKA“), as well as insurance provisions on compensation for incidents (occupational diseases, accidents at work).

Resources and time frame

Time frame of the National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work is 2022-2027.

The time frame for the specific National Programme of Actions on Health and Safety at Work is 2022-2023 (on annual basis).

The actions by which the objectives of the National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work (E.S.Y.A.E.) will be achieved are provided for in each annual National Programme of Actions on Health and Safety at Work, on the basis of the relevant quantitative indicators and their sources of funding, if necessary.

The main sources of funding for the period of the National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2022­ -2027 are:

  • The Recovery and Resilience Fund through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (‘Greece 2.0’)
  • The New Partnership for Regional Development (NSRF) 2021-2027, as well as the NSRF 2014-2020 in which ongoing projects have been included.
  • The regular budget of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
  • The resources provided by the European Agency for Occupational Safety and Health (EU-OSHA).
  • Other European Commission funding tools such as the EU4Health programme 2021-2027 (disease prevention), Horizon Europe, etc.

It is planned to make every effort to identify and exploit available Community and national resources through appropriate cooperation and exchange of good practices between the Ministry of  Labour and Social Affairs, the social partners’ organisations, as well as research and scientific bodies, etc., in order to implement a maximum of the actions of the National Programme of Actions on Health and Safety at Work.

Evaluation/lessons learned

The evaluation of the National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2022­ -2027 includes an examination of the implementation of the planned actions included in the previous National Programme of Actions on Health and Safety at Work for the period 2016-2020, based on progress indicators and on the functionality of the programme and the responsiveness of the actions identified, in the light of rapidly changing conditions in the world of work.

Indicators were among others:

  • The reinforcement  level of the legislative framework through the harmonization  of the Greek legislation with the provisions of the European Directives and by establishing specific national legislation
  • Number of new, sector level, risk assessment OiRA tools (8 tools published plus 6 tools their development  has been already started)
  • Number of information and awareness-raising actions on health and safety at work (65 actions)
  • Number of OSH training programmes for employers and employees of small and micro enterprises (3.150 approved “risk category B” and “C” programmes)
  • Number of programmes for measuring electromagnetic radiation, optical radiation, noise and lighting, as well as the determination of workers’ thermal stress.

Relationship to the EU Strategic Framework

Key objective 1 of the EU Strategic Framework (Anticipating and managing change) is covered by Strategic Objective 2: Modernising and improving the legislative framework on Health and Safety at Work and risk prevention measures with a focus on new challenges in the world of work. For example, in the specific axis 2.2 Promotion of scientific progress and research – new and emerging risks and the related actions.

Ergonomic risks are tackled by action 3.1.3 “carrying out an information campaign and a workplace inspections campaign on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders”.

The priority to manage psychosocial risks (work-related stress and burnout, violence, harassment, etc.), which are the causes of a multitude of occupational diseases and are directly linked, among other issues, to the current health crisis, new forms of work organisation and the adoption of digital technologies in working practices is included in the specific axis 2.2.

Key objective 2 of the EU Framework (Improving prevention of work-related diseases and accidents) can be found in the Strategic Objective 2: Modernising and improving the legislative framework on Health and Safety at Work and the risk prevention measures with a focus on new challenges in the world of work.

As well as in the Strategic Objective 3: Promote a culture of risk prevention at work involving all stakeholders in the workplace, specific axis 3.1 OSH Training and promotion of a culture of prevention and the related actions.

Axis 2.1: Simplification and improvement of the legislative framework for OSH: The national legislative framework on OSH is fully in line with the corresponding European legal framework and will continue to be updated and complemented (e.g. in establishing OSH limit values for hazardous substances).

The Vision Zero approach is a component of axis 3.1 OSH Training and promotion of a culture of prevention.

Key objective 3 of the EU Framework (Increasing preparedness – responding rapidly to threats) is tackled in action 1.1.3 of the priority axis 1.1. Managing the multiple issues arising from the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need to develop efficient and permanent synergies between the fields of Health and Safety at Work and Public Health (e.g. issuing circulars and practical guides, drafting preparedness plans, coordination meetings, etc.


[1] Ο ΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΩΝ (Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), Εθνικής Στρατηγικής για την Υγεία και Ασφάλεια στην Εργασία 2022-2027 (National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2022-2027. ) Available at:

[2] Ο ΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΩΝ (Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), Εθνική Στρατηγική για την Υγεία και Ασφάλεια στην Εργασία 2016 – 2021 (National Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2016 – 2020). Available at:

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