- OSH in general
- OSH Management and organisation
- Prevention and control strategies
- Dangerous substances (chemical and biological)
- Biological agents
- Carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic (CMR) substances
- Chemical agents
- Dust and aerosols
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
- Indoor air quality
- Irritants and allergens
- Nanomaterials
- Occupational exposure limit values
- Packaging and labeling
- Process-generated contaminants
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- Vulnerable groups
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- Sectors and occupations
- Groups at risk
AUVA statistics show that hand injuries are the most frequent injuries in professional life (40% of about 100.000 occupational accidents per year in Austria), in sports, at school and in leisure time. Hand injuries may cause significant limitations in everyday life.
Therefore the AUVA (Austrian Workers Compensation Board) launched the campaign “Hände gut, alles gut!" (“If the hands are well, everything is well!"), which aims to significantly reduce the number of hand injuries and their consequences. During this campaign a lot of tools were developed, e.g. folders, posters, brochures and a First Aid app focussing on hand injuries.
The tool
With the First Aid app for hand injuries, AUVA provides valuable information and support to ensure that the most suitable assistance is provided in cases of hand injuries.
The purpose of this app is efficient first aid performance in cases of hand injuries, optimization of rescue operations, and providing information about these issues. The app is of multi-purpose usage, as well in work and leisure.
The app provides the following content:
- All kinds of hand injuries, e.g. wounds, burn injuries, fractures, amputations
- Wound treatment (e.g. bandages, plasters, sterile wound dressing)
- Basic measures for first aid in general
- Specific content, e.g. emergency numbers, statutory regulations (only usable in Austria)
Reference: AUVA, Department of Statistics
Accidents at work (neglecting commuting accidents) involving hand injuries accepted by AUVA in 2013
Accidents at work (neglecting commuting accidents) involving hand injuries accepted by AUVA in 2013
Technical details and availability
The app can be downloaded free of charge
- Google Play Store
- Store Apple Store
- Web-App(available only in German language)
Supported languages: German, English, Magyar, Slovak and Croatian
Contact information
Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 65
1200 Vienna, Austria
For feedback and questions send e-mail to mobile-apps [at] auva.at (mailto:)
For general information about all AUVA apps call https://apps.auva.at (only in German language)
Contact information concerning content and medical questions:
- Martin Leixnering, martin.leixnering [at] auva.at (mailto:)
- Michael Nikl, michael.nikl [at] auva.at (mailto:)
Contact information concerning technical solution:
- Karl Kemminger, karl.kemminger [at] auva.at (mailto:)
Contact information concerning statistics:
- DI Christian Szolarz, mailto:christian.szolarz [at] auva.at; hst [at] auva.at (mailto:)
Contact information concerning the campaign “Hände gut, alles gut!" (“If the hands are well, everything is well!"):
- Christian Schenk, christian.schenk [at] auva.at (mailto:)
Speaker in Bilbao:
- Karin Sturm, karin.sturm [at] auva.at (mailto:)
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