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Safety Science Monitor

The idea “Vision Zero” (VZ) has been developed by our Swedish colleagues (Swedish National Road Administration, 1996). In Switzerland road safety experts took up this principle in 1998. At various conferences VZ has been presented and proposed as a new basis for road safety (e.g. Rumar, 1999; Fussverkehr Schweiz, 2000). During the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) in 1999 the Swiss Minister of Transport discussed the possibilities of developing a road safety policy based on VZ. In the year 2000 he commissioned the Federal Roads Authority (FEDRO) to carry out such a policy for Switzerland. FEDRO mandated the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu) to prepare a report which should show how VZ could be implemented into concrete actions and measures. Meanwhile many other reports concerning VZ have been established, among others by the OECD (2008). A similar approach (sustainable safety) has been presented by SWOV (Wegman, Dijkstra, Schermers & van Vilet (2005).

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Raphael D. Huguenin

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