Against the background of the numerous state industrial enterprises which are being closed down, there exist a large number of productions with various pneumotropic factors in the air of the working environment, resulting from older production technologies used to this moment. In Bulgaria there also exist productions in which the labour and hygienic problems have been solved and where the concentrations of the noxious factors in the working environment have been reduced to the maximum allowable norms. Among them are a large number of underground ore and coal mines, as well as some branches of the chemical industry. An essential problem with respect to the harmful production factors and the ensuing incidence of occupational lung diseases should be sought in the above-ground dusty production (yield and processing of non-ore deposits, the glass, ceramic, metallurgical and machine-building industries, the production and use of insulation and grinding materials), in the chemical industry - production of fertilizers, acids, bases and urea, in agriculture - tobacco-growing, plant-growing, poultry farming, the use of pesticides, isocyanates, etc.
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