It is a well-known fact, both nationally and internationally, that the construction industry is a generally risky business (Work and Health in the EU – A Statistical Portrait 1994-2002, Eurostat; Jørgensen, 2008; Gambatese et al, 2008; Smallwood, 1996; Toole et al, 2006; Behm, 2005). The EU has documented that 1/3 of the comparatively many and serious occupational accidents in the construction sector are a result of flaws and defects in the client’s and the consultant’s detailed design, and 1/3 are a result of flaws and defects in the contractor’s planning (The European Foundation for the Improvement of living and Working Conditions, 1991). A series of research projects also demonstrates that the design forms the basis for safety (Gambatese et al, 2008; Smallwood, 1996; Toole et al, 2006; Behm, 2005). The necessity of incorporating the question of safety into the construction process early on has been a recurring theme throughout the last 20 years.
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