Contracting was a popular form of putting out jobs to individuals in the old days. The aim was to use lower skills and get a good price on the work. The same principle is applied today. However, today the concept of contractor is mainly applied to a multi-skilled organisation that can be engaged in certain activities, for instance, on the construction site. The organisation may need engineers, carpenters, plumbers and electricians to do the work assignments. The contractor may do only part of a job, like the fill for a road, or an entire job, like building a road or raising and finishing a whole building, all by himself. In large and complicated projects, like construction of an airport, clients may hire many contractors. Contractors may again hire subcontractors to perform parts of the project. Subcontractors may again use other subcontractors to do part of their job, and so on. The smallest entity may be a single man skilled in a trade and who is linked with a subcontractor or a contractor
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