Back injuries are among the most common ailments experienced by people during their working lives. In 1994, 20% of all injuries and illnesses in USA workplaces were back injuries which cost over $US 20 Billion (NIOSH (19941 ). In the period 1992 to 1994, 25% of compensation claims lodged by workers in Victoria, Australia recorded back injuries as the most serious ailment suffered by the claimants (Health and Safety Organisation (1995)). In 1996, New South Wales Workcover, reported back injuries to be 30% of all New South Wales workplace injuries in the period 1993 to 1995 (Workcover New South Wales (1996). There is also evidence that this workplace back injury problem has existed for some time. In 1987 back injuries accounted for 27% of all lost time compensation claims in Ontario Canada (WCB (1988)). Also, Saraste (1993), in a study of Swedish male workers with back ailments, and Stubbs (1986) in a report of a study of the nursing profession in England, both suggested that 80% of workers experienced lower back ailments during their working life
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