Articles available (516)
Musculoskeletal disorders
IntroductionWork-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a serious problem among hospital personnel, and in particular the nursing staff. Of primary concern are back injuries and shoulder strains which can both be severely debilitating. The nursing…
Contributor(s): Karla Van den Broek
, Klaus Kuhl, Vidmantas Januskevicius
Occupational diseases
IntroductionOccupational skin diseases are among the top three registered occupational diseases in Europe [1]. Exposure to chemical, physical, biological risk factors can lead to different skin diseases, though several individual (genetic) factors…
Contributor(s): Richard Graveling
, Karla Van den Broek
, Juliet Hassard
, Ferenc Kudasz
Work-related stress management
IntroductionIt is widely recognised that work-related stress is one of the major contemporary challenges facing occupational health and safety. It is commonly understood that a need for stress prevention activities is prevalent in all European countries…
Contributor(s): Juliet Hassard, Klaus Kuhl
Psychosocial issues in specific sectors and groups
IntroductionTeamworking is a ‘double-edged sword’. On the one hand, teamworking has been recognised as a way of reducing work-related stress work-related stress by enhancing employees’ job autonomy. Conversely, there is a risk that teamworking could…
Contributor(s): Thomas Winski
, Gerard Zwetsloot
, John Klein Hesselink
, Juliet Hassard
Work-life balance
IntroductionThis article defines workaholism and the culture of competition. These concepts are not usually considered from an occupational safety and health (OSH) perspective. With respect to workaholism, most of the information on this topic thus far…
Contributor(s): Juliet Hassard
, Roxane Gervais
Worker participation and involvement
IntroductionVarious forms of worker participation and involvement are established in Austria. This article covers forms of direct participation like information, consultation and delegation (individual and group level), as well as representative…
Contributor(s): Klaus Kuhl, Raluka Zayzon
Worker participation and involvement
IntroductionWorker participation relates to the involvement of workers in management decision-making processes. The means for worker participation are other than information and consultation, as defined by the European Foundation for the Improvement of…
Contributor(s): Veronique De Broeck
Worker participation and involvement
IntroductionBulgaria has about 7.6 million inhabitants and some 2.2 million workers. In 1946 it became a Socialist state with a single-party system. In 1989 the Communist Party allowed multi-party elections, and subsequently Bulgaria transitioned to…
Contributor(s): Klaus Kuhl
Worker participation and involvement
IntroductionCroatia has 4.4 million inhabitants and an employment rate of 48.7%. It joined the EU in 2013. After WW II, Croatia became a founding member and a federal constituent of the socialist state Yugoslavia. In June 1991, Croatia declared…
Contributor(s): Klaus Kuhl
Worker participation and involvement
IntroductionWorkers’ participation can be defined as the full and genuine participation of the workforce in the management of health and safety. Workers must be informed, instructed, trained and consulted on health and safety. It is a legal duty. But…
Contributor(s): Ferenc Kudasz