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Giriş[edit | edit source]Balıkçılık endüstrisi son yıllarda hızla gelişerek yeni çalışma yöntem ve tekniklerini geliştirmiştir. Bu değişiklikler balıkçılık çalışanlarının çalışma koşullarını etkilemiştir ancak hala kas-iskelet sistemi bozuklukları (KİSB…
GirişÇoğu kas-iskelet sistemi bozukluğunun (KİSB) kökeni, dış yük ile insan vücudunun biyomekanik ve fizyolojik suşa direnme kapasitesi arasındaki uyumsuzluktadır. Aşırı kuvvetler, etkilenen dokulara bağlı olarak farklı patofizyolojik süreçleri…
GirişÇoğu kas-iskelet sistemi bozukluğunun (KİSB) kökeni, dış yük ile insan vücudunun biyomekanik ve fizyolojik suşa direnme kapasitesi arasındaki uyumsuzluktadır. Aşırı kuvvetler, etkilenen dokulara bağlı olarak farklı patofizyolojik süreçleri…

Diğer İngilizce makaleler

IntroductionOverwhelming evidence makes it clear that good musculoskeletal health underpins a person’s ability to live and work well[1],[2],[3]. It is also fundamental to healthy ageing, quality of life and independence beyond working years[4],[5],[6].…
The background to body mappingBody mapping is a technique to gain information about hazards and ill-health effects in work, first developed by community groups and trade unions, and meanwhile adapted by educators in a variety of settings. It is used as a…
SummaryThe objective of this article is to show how public health actors were able to achieve mandatory prescription and gradual implementation of daily physical education (DPE) for all schoolchildren in Hungary and how the implementation was helped by…
IntroductionThis article presents two programmes implemented in Finland addressing the need to increase physical activity among school-age children. The Schools on the Move programme has been part of the implementation of the government programme in…
IntroductionThe article will discuss the interface between the physical and psychosocial work environment, and the role of stress there within, in relation to worker’s wellbeing and performance. Two particular bodies of research will be examined, noise…
IntroductionManual handling operations involve the transporting or supporting of a load, including the lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving of a load by the hands or through the application of bodily force. There are several risk…
IntroductionTelework can be defined as the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) — such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers — for the purpose of working outside the employer’s premises. This article focuses on regular…
Scope of the articleThis article covers any problem that affects muscles, bones or joints and impacts on a person’s ability to work.  It may be caused or aggravated by work and then is often called a ‘work-related musculoskeletal disorder (work-…