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Visible safety


The App “Zeichen der Sicherheit“ supports identifying widely used symbols in the field of occupational health and safety.

Graphic signs

How does “Zeichen der Sicherheit“ work?

Either you take a picture or you use predefined keywords, these are the shape, the colour or the content of the sign. Now you get a short explanation about the meaning of the sign. The simple handling – a picture using your cell phone – motivates the users to check unknown symbols but aswell to make a recheck if the meaning of a symbol is not totally sure. This procedure takes just a moment and safe work can continue. A variety of signs concerning safety at work are covered, i.e. from hand signals to traffic signs.

Graphic 2Graphic 3

Which signs will be explained?

“Zeichen der Sicherheit“ covers legally based signs like the hazard pictograms on chemicals and signs that are defined by international standards like EN or ISO. Especially the letter can be difficult to reach or costly.

How to get the app?

The app is available in German language and free of charge in Google Play and in the App Store. For further information see: The app is well accepted and rated 4,5 in Google Play.

Technical details and availability

The app can be downloaded free of charge

Norbert Neuwirth, norbert.neuwirth [at] (mailto:norbert[dot]neuwirth[at]auva[dot]at)

Background information

  • CLP regulation: Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixture, Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
  • EN standards for personal protective equipment: EN 343, EN 374-1, EN 381-7, EN 388, EN 407, EN 421, EN 469, EN ISO 13688
  • Council Directive 92/58/EEC of 24 June 1992 on the minimum requirements for the provision of safety and/or health signs at work
  • Straßenverkehrsordnung (road traffic act, Austria)

Karin Sturm