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ĮžangaStudentai ir tam tikrų grupių darbuotojai vis dažniau vartoja vaistus ne medicininiais tikslais, o kaip kognityvinius stimuliantus, ir jiems tai tampa įprastu reiškiniu. Manoma, kad ateityje, didėjant konkurencijai visuomenėje ir darbo aplinkoje,…
ĮžangaTechnika jau ilgą laiką tarnauja žmonėms, tačiau po pramonės revoliucijos mašinų ir technikos naudojimas pasiekė kitą lygmenį. Tuo metu jų nauda ir svarba buvo visuotinai pripažįstama, tačiau žmonės reagavo labai skirtingai: kai kurie manė, kad…
ĮžangaNuo XX a. 8-ojo dešimtmečio pripažįstama, kad informacinių ir ryšių technologijų derinys gali atverti galimybes darbo vietos perkėlimui. XX a. 9-ajame dešimtmetyje daugiausia dėmesio skirta nuotoliniam darbui, kurį dirbant įprasta darbo vieta iš…
ĮžangaKokios stebėsenos technologijos leido jums pasijusti geriau? Ar šis poveikis buvo ilgalaikis? Galbūt tai buvo programinė įranga, kuri jus paskatino padaryti pertrauką, arba žingsnių skaičiuoklis, pranešęs, kad per mažai judate? Galbūt tai buvo…
Kiti straipsniai anglų kalba
IntroductionPlatform work is one of the fastest growing forms of work in the EU. It is estimated that, as of 2022, there are over 28 million platform workers in the EU, with the number likely to rise to over 43 million by 2025[1]. Platform work presents…
Definition and taxonomyThe digital transition has been producing significant transformations in the European economic system. One of the most relevant is the emergence of digital labour platforms as new market players. Originally conceived as online…
IntroductionE-retail is convenient, economical and empowering for the purchaser. For the seller, it presents numerous challenges, with additional logistics required to deliver goods directly to customers’ doors, tight profit margins driven by easy access…
IntroductionThis article, based on recent literature, will identify, define and discuss new and emerging OSH-risks together with the driving forces behind these risks. Emerging risks will be described as being related to [1] physical load and…
IntroductionThis discussion paper is based on a summary of a longer article written by Egon L. van den Broek commissioned by EU-OSHA and incorporates input received from the agency’s network of Focal Points.
What kind of monitoring technology has made…
IntroductionWork in the information society is characterized by a high level of penetration by information and communication technologies (ICT). The corresponding technical artefacts take the form of smartphones, laptops, etc. At the same time, a…
IntroductionThe foresight produces a set of scenarios to 2025 to consider the potential impacts that developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) and changes in work location (including the development of the EU Digital Single Market…
IntroductionThe European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has been applying foresight approaches as part of its mission to contribute to the improvement of safe and healthy working conditions in the EU for several years. Within its…
IntroductionDwindling fossil fuel resources and continued climate change have encouraged the development of new propulsion technologies, mainly in the automobile sector. The electrification of vehicles reduces CO2 emissions and is relevant to attainment…
IntroductionMachines have been a part of human reality for a long time, however the Industrial Revolution marked a major breakthrough in the use of machinery and machines. At that time, their significance and importance was recognised generally, but…