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ĮžangaStudentai ir tam tikrų grupių darbuotojai vis dažniau vartoja vaistus ne medicininiais tikslais, o kaip kognityvinius stimuliantus, ir jiems tai tampa įprastu reiškiniu. Manoma, kad ateityje, didėjant konkurencijai visuomenėje ir darbo aplinkoje,…
ĮžangaTechnika jau ilgą laiką tarnauja žmonėms, tačiau po pramonės revoliucijos mašinų ir technikos naudojimas pasiekė kitą lygmenį. Tuo metu jų nauda ir svarba buvo visuotinai pripažįstama, tačiau žmonės reagavo labai skirtingai: kai kurie manė, kad…
ĮžangaNuo XX a. 8-ojo dešimtmečio pripažįstama, kad informacinių ir ryšių technologijų derinys gali atverti galimybes darbo vietos perkėlimui. XX a. 9-ajame dešimtmetyje daugiausia dėmesio skirta nuotoliniam darbui, kurį dirbant įprasta darbo vieta iš…
ĮžangaKokios stebėsenos technologijos leido jums pasijusti geriau? Ar šis poveikis buvo ilgalaikis? Galbūt tai buvo programinė įranga, kuri jus paskatino padaryti pertrauką, arba žingsnių skaičiuoklis, pranešęs, kad per mažai judate? Galbūt tai buvo…
Kiti straipsniai anglų kalba
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkIn Finland, public administration is required by the law to protect the labour force [1]. The European framework Council Directive 89/391/EEC [2] is transposed into Finnish law by the…
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkIn Estonia, the Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) Act [1], the so-called framework law, is the most fundamental of the occupational health and safety legislations. It covers occupational health and…
Occupational Health and Safety legislative frameworkBulgarian occupational health and safety (OSH) legislation has twice undergone transformations meant to harmonize it with the EU approach, during the nineties and then upon becoming a Member State in…
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkOccupational safety and health (OSH) at work is covered by the “Law of 4 August 1996 on well-being of workers in the performance of their work" [1] and its royal decrees. The Law transposes into Belgian…
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkOccupational safety and health regulation in the United Kingdom has a long history which goes back to the early 19th century. One of the first pieces of Health and Safety legislation in the United…
OSH legislative frameworkIn Romania, the occupational safety and health (OSH) at work area is regulated through three major types of legislation: primary, secondary and tertiary legislation.Primary legislation (general principles):Law No. 319 of 14 July…
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkSystem for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is primarily set by the main legal document for this area in Latvia – the Labour Protection Law [1] (note: instead of the commonly used term “Occupational…
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkAlthough Switzerland has set its own policies on occupational safety and health, these basically comply with the EU legislation.Occupational safety and health in Switzerland is primarily based on two…
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkIn Sweden, the Work Environment Act (1978, Arbetsmiljölagen) [1] is a framework law which provides direction in general terms and sets the goals for achieving a good work environment. The Work…
OSH legislative frameworkIn Spain, OSH is regulated by the Prevention of Occupational Risks Act of November 8 1995, which covers all employees except self-employed and domestic workers. It also shall not apply to those situations whose characteristics do…