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IntroductionDue to an ageing population and global economic competition, there is a societal need for people to extend their working lives while maintaining high work productivity. This article presents an overview of the labour participation, job…
IntroductionThe historical development of the concept of work ability in Hungary According to the Hungarian Explanatory Dictionary, a person is able to work if their physical and mental health, and physical condition allow them to work.[1] The…
Scope of the articleThis article covers any problem that affects muscles, bones or joints and impacts on a person’s ability to work.  It may be caused or aggravated by work and then is often called a ‘work-related musculoskeletal disorder (work-…
IntroductionThis paper is the summary of a report that forms part of the activities carried out to support a three-year pilot project[1] initiated by the European Parliament and managed by EU-OSHA on the occupational health and safety (OSH) of older…
Initiatives from government/government-affiliated organisationsOccupational health and safety The Ministry of Labour has published a document, approved on 29 May 2013, on the Standing Advisory Committee on Health and Safety at Work’s proposals for a…
Initiatives from government/government-affiliated organisationsOccupational health and safety policies By resolution of the Government of Lithuania (No. 669, 25/06/2009), the Occupational Safety and Health Strategy for 2009-2012 was approved. Its…
Initiatives from government/government-affiliated organisationsOccupational health and safety policies The Bill introducing a package of measures on age management (see Section 1.3) brings forward the issue of health and safety at work of older workers…
Initiatives from government/government-affiliated institutionsOccupational health and safety policies National Strategy for Health and Safety at Work (2008-2012) The National OSH Strategy (which also covers the national labour inspection strategy)…
Initiatives from government/government-affiliated institutionsOccupational health and safety and active ageing In 2006, the government established an advisory body, the Government Council for Senior Citizens and Population Ageing. Representatives of…
Initiatives from government/government-affiliated organisationsOccupational health and safety The Estonian Occupational Health and Safety Strategy 2010-2013 (Töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse strateegia 2010–2013)[1], and its corresponding Plan of Action (…