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Otros artículos en inglés

IntroductionInternational standards for the design and assessment of physical environments are produced by ISO TC159 SC5 and other ISO committees. It can be considered that all of the standards lead to the design of the physical environment for people....
IntroductionThis article presents an overview of the relationship of Ergonomics (also known as Human Factors) to occupational safety and health (OSH). It describes briefly the historical background of Ergonomics. It describes how ergonomics can be...
UvodGlobalizacija povzroča večjo konkurenco, večji gospodarski pritisk, več prestrukturiranja, povečanje negotovosti, povečanje intenzivnosti dela ter časovne pritiske na delovnem mestu. Kljub vsem vrstam priložnosti in povečanju produktivnosti, ki jih...
IntroductionOffice work is diverse, with jobs ranging from those that demand a high level of skill and knowledge (for example journalists and financial administrators), to those where the worker has little control over their work or the organisation of...