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IntroducciónDesde la década de los setenta se ha reconocido que la combinación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación puede hacer posible la reubicación del trabajo. En la década de los ochenta, la atención se centró en el «teletrabajo»,...
IntroducciónLas máquinas han sido parte de la realidad humana desde hace mucho tiempo, si bien la revolución industrial supuso un adelanto decisivo en la utilización de la maquinaria y de las máquinas. En esa época, si bien su significado e importancia...
IntroducciónEl consumo de medicamentos sin motivos médicos y como potenciadores de las funciones cognitivas está comenzando a extenderse y a practicarse habitualmente entre los estudiantes y determinados grupos de trabajadores. En el marco de una...
Introducción¿Qué tipo de tecnología de control le ha hecho sentirse mejor? ¿Se mantuvieron sus efectos a largo plazo? ¿No sería el programa informático lo que le obligó a hacer un descanso o el contador de pasos lo que le notificó su falta de movimiento...
Otros artículos en inglés
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkOccupational safety and health (OSH) at work is covered by the Law No. 102/2009 of 10 September 2009 as amended and republished by Law No. 3/2014 of 28 January and successive amendments [1]. This...
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkThe Norwegian legislation on occupational safety and health is in accordance with the framework Council Directive 89/391/EEC[1] and is based on the Working Environment Act from 1977 (latest amendment in...
Occupational safety and health legislative framework in the NetherlandsThe Dutch occupational safety and health legislation started in 1874 with the first law against child labor, which forbade children until the age of 12 to work in factories [1],[...
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkOccupational health and safety (OHS) is regulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act, Chapter 424 of the Laws of Malta[1] (hereinafter referred to as the "OHSA Act") and through...
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkIn the private sector, occupational safety and health are regulated by the law of 17 June 1994 on workers’ safety and health at work [1] and by the law of 17 June 1994 on occupational health...
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkIn Lithuanian legislation occupational safety and health (OSH) is defined as all preventive measures intended for the preservation of functional capacity, life and health of workers at work. These...
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkThe Fundamental Law adopted in 2011 specifically mentions that besides the right to physical and mental health "every employee has the right to working conditions that respect their health,...
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkGeneral safety and health legislation was first introduced in the Republic of Ireland in 1989, in conjunction with the European Community’s Framework Directive (89/391/EEC), [1]. The Framework...
Occupational safety and health legislative frameworkThe European Directives led to a new concept of safety and health at work (OSH), less impositive and more preventive. Such a change was expressed both at cultural and legislative terms in the national...
OSH Legislative FrameworkThe current fundamental and most important legislative act of the Icelandic OSH legislation is the Act on Working Environment, Health and Safety in the Workplace, No 46/1980, with subsequent amendments [1]. This act states...